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Discovering A New Vision of the Gospel Through Wheaton

Words: Juliana Bacote ’24
Photos: Kayla Smith

A young East Asian male sitting by a window and wearing a black sweater smiles

Jordan Lee ’25 was not looking for a Christian college. But Wheaton was his cousin’s alma mater, so it lingered in the back of his mind. When the time arrived to apply for college, Lee included Wheaton in his applications just in case he decided he wanted to attend a Christian school after all. Visiting campus later that year practically made the decision for him.

“The students I observed seemed like genuine Christians looking to grow and walk together, so I saw Wheaton as a place I could have deep, genuine relationships,” Lee said. “I also saw it as a training ground where I could learn how Jesus applies to every aspect of my life and be prepared to be a good witness as I go out into the world.”

In addition to his computer science degree, Lee is completing the Human Needs and Global Resources certificate program. The HNGR class titled “Poverty, Justice, and Transformation” is the first stepping stone in the HNGR program and has been one of the most impactful classes Lee has taken as a student. It transformed his views on poverty and suffering and the gospel’s role in them. “The class taught me how to lament the broken realities of this world without brushing past them and to be humble when serving others,” said Lee. “Ultimately, our goal when doing missions should be empowering communities, not creating a relationship of dependency with them.” 

Lee recently returned to campus after completing his six-month HNGR internship with Juventud Para Cristo (Youth for Christ) in Uruguay. HNGR internships can be described in many ways, but Lee believes the best word to encapsulate them is “accompaniment.” Students share life with and learn from the body of Christ in other places. “It’s not about going somewhere to do missions,” said Lee. “It’s about learning from people already doing missions in their own context and being inspired by how they live out their faith.” 

Lee’s experience in Uruguay also expanded his perception of the gospel and the kingdom of God. “The whole experience of HNGR pointed me to a more holistic gospel,” he reflected. “A lot of my understanding of the gospel was limited to self-improvement, being a good person, and having eternal security. But I’ve now realized it’s a gospel that’s willing to wrestle with tough questions about suffering and injustice. When you can engage the gospel with the harsh realities of the world that we often don’t want to deal with, it makes for a much deeper, tougher gospel, which I think is a stronger witness to people.” 

The community Lee witnessed when he first visited campus is now his reality as a Wheaton student. During his sophomore year, he served as a “Deke” or tour guide and host for visiting high school students. As a junior, he built community through the Storytelling Project, a creative group of students generating multimedia art to tell the stories of campus. “The deep relationships I was seeking are the ones that have formed me while being here,” Lee said.

As an underclassman, upperclassmen poured into and made time for Lee in various ways, from sharing meals with him at Saga to inviting him to their apartments. Some of these friendships have resulted from Lee’s participation in Strongholds, the Discipleship Ministry group that aims to pursue Jesus-centered sexuality. For Lee, this space created a close brotherhood. “The brothers I’ve made in Strongholds taught me about vulnerability, combatting shame, and being loved while being honest about what you’re struggling with.” 

The classroom is another space where Lee continues to experience deep spiritual and relational formation. One class that stands out to him as being particularly impactful is “Theological Approaches to Religious Diversity,” taught by Dr. Alexander Massad. Lee’s understanding of God and how to communicate with non-Christians expanded throughout this course. “The class made me realize that God is much bigger than I thought. It helped me take God out of the boxes I had put him in,” he said.

Now a senior looking back on his time at Wheaton, Lee says he has learned from his futile attempts to manage his responsibilities without acknowledging his human limitations. “There’s so much going on in college,” said Lee. “When you try to do everything well on your own, it’s like you’re trying to run a race on a limp. I had to learn to admit my brokenness and weakness to other people and allow God to enter them. The most important thing is to know and abide with God. Out of that, everything else flows.”