A Wheaton College Heritage: Sons and Daughters of Alumni
Photos of second-, third-, fourth-, fifth-, sixth-, and seventh-generation Wheaties.
The Shafers
Ellie Shafer is pictured here with her parents, Jeff and Shelly Shafer ’96; her great-great grandmother was Corinne Smith ’37, after whom Smith-
Traber is named, Wheaton’s first Dean of Women; grandparents John McGill ’32 and Sue Smith ’33 are alumni.
The Hsus
Josiah Hsu on move-in day with
parents Ellen Hsu and Al Hsu M.A. ’96.
Bonnell and Whitecotton
Mary Bonnell is pictured with her grandparents, Neal Whitecotton ’63 and Judi Hamer Whitecotton ’64.
The Elsens
Jacob Elsen, a sixth-generation Wheaton student, pictured here with four living generations.
The Smiths
Justin Smith, a second-generation Wheaton student, with parents Andrew Smith ’91 and Renae Schauer Smith ’91.
The Valdes'
Isabella Valdes with her
mother Sujey Valdes ’98.
The Rykens
Kathryn Ryken, daughter of Elisabeth Maxwell Ryken ’88 and President Philip G. Ryken ’88; granddaughter of Elaine
Arison Maxwell ’51, James Howard Maxwell ’52, Mary Graham Ryken M.A. ’88, and Leland Ryken, Professor of English Emeritus.
The VanWingerdens
VanWingerden with parents Nick ’98 and Annie ’99 VanWingerden.
The Chiles'
Taylor Chiles with mother Nancy Carlson Chiles ’88.
The Petersons
Bethany Peterson ’20,
Debbie Garver Peterson ’93, and Chris Peterson ’93 with Caleb Peterson.