Alumni News

2024 Alumni Survey Report

In February 2024, Wheaton College distributed its second all-alumni survey to connect with and learn from the members of its global alumni network. The survey asked alumni to provide authentic, constructive, and honest feedback on the institution in a variety of categories, including student and alumni programming, theological viewpoints, and opportunities for growth. This feedback is extremely valuable to College leaders and directly impacts the future of the institution in areas like alumni engagement, admissions strategy, marketing, and messaging around financial giving.

Over the next several months, the Alumni Engagement team will conduct an in-depth analysis of the data. This time, the 2024 results will be compared with data from the 2017 survey to assess any significant differences in alumni responses. The Board of Trustees, Senior Administrative Cabinet, and others across campus will also receive results from the survey to inform their decision-making.

The following graphic pulls preliminary data from the survey, and Wheaton College will report additional results in a future issue of Wheaton magazine.

Wheaton College IL Alumni Survey Graphic

Accessible text:


total respondents


countries represented


said it was a great or good decision to attend Wheaton College


of alumni read Wheaton magazine (thank you!)

Top motivators for giving to Wheaton College:

1) Knowing Wheaton College graduates have a strong ethical and moral foundation

2) Knowing that Wheaton College attracts high-quality faculty

3) Knowing that your gift has kingdom impact beyond Wheaton College

Ways Wheaton College prepared you for life after graduation:

1) Further graduate education

2) Understanding of biblical principles

3) Deepening your commitment to personal development

Key areas Wheaton College could improve in its offerings to students:

1) Skills and training for career

2) Developing spiritual maturity

3) Developing moral and ethical decision-making abilities

Most important ways for alumni to serve Wheaton College:

1) Identifying job opportunities for graduates

2) Providing financial support for Wheaton College (e.g., donations)

3) Serving as ambassadors to promote Wheaton College to others

How you like to stay connected with Wheaton College:

1) Emails from Wheaton College

2) Reading Wheaton magazine

3) Getting in touch with other alumni